MyVCC is an amazing online portal for both Vancouver Community College students as well as for employees. My VCC Login portal offers various online services which help in improving the student’s overall performance.
So, if you are interested in knowing more about My VCC online portal, then this article is for you.

Here you will get a detailed step-by-step My VCC login guide. And also the helpline numbers and instructions to reset your MyVCC account password.
Benefits and Features of MyVCC Online Portal
Let us start the discussion with all the benefits that you will get after accessing the MyVCC portal account.
1. My VCC login portal allows students to access the online courses
2. You can check your college grades and register for a different course with the help of this web portal.
3. MyVCC portal provides tax receipt and students email.
My VCC Login Requirements
Here are a few important things that you will need while accessing the My VCC portal.
1. Employees must know their network username and password.
2. And similarly, students or alumni should remember their student VCC ID number for login.
3. Laptop or PC or Smartphone or any other electronic device.
4. The official link to visit Vancouver Community College Login.
How to Login My VCC Login Portal?

If you are accessing the My VCC portal for the first time then you can follow this guide to successfully login My VCC portal.
For students, alumni and employees we have given detailed step-by-step login instructions. If you have all the essential My VCC login requirements ready then you can start the login process.
For convenience, we have given the login process for students/ alumni and employees separately.
If you are a Student or Alumni then Please Follow these Simple Steps.
Step 1: First of all, visit the official web portal of My VCC. If you have open any web browser then please copy this given official link in the search bar. Here is the direct My VCC login link
Step 2: Through this official portal link, you will land on their login webpage. Here on this page, you will find two blank options to enter your login credentials.
Step 3: In the first input box, enter the student VCC ID number. Then in the next option enter your password. (If you are a new user then your student password must be set based on your birth date. Please type the password in the format of MM/DD/YY).
Step 4: After entering login credentials hit on the “Submit” button, to access the My VCC.
If you are an employee then please go through the following My VCC login guide.
Login Guide for VCC Employees
Step 1: The first step is common for both students and employees. For login, you will have to visit My VCC portal, by clicking on the above-given link.
Step 2: Then on My VCC login webpage, you will be asked to enter your network username and password.
Step 3: After providing all the information, click on the “Submit” button.
How to Reset your My VCC Password?

If you have forgotten the password of your My VANCOUVER Community login portal. Then to regenerate or reset a new login password, you will have to use the reset password option from the portal.
To reset new login password at My VCC login portal you will be asked to provide following details.
- Student VCC ID number.
- Student’s last name.
- Birthday in the format of MM/DD/YY.
Now, let us see how students can reset or regenerate new My VCC portal password.
Step 1: Firstly, head over to the official login page. There below the login hep option, you will find another option saying “Forgot password” >>Hit on this option and proceed.
Step 2: After clicking on the “Forgot password’ option new tab will open. Here you will have to provide your student information.
Fill all the personal details on your screen to verify your identity.
Step 3: After entering details hit on the submit button and then wait for 15 min for the validation. in this way, you can easily regenerate passwords at the My VCC portal.
MyVCC – Vancouver Community College Contact Information

If you have any technical errors or issues with My VCC portal login, then you can contact at this number. Here is the login helpline number: 604 443 8700.
So, we discussed all the important points and also the needed instructions for My VCC login. If you want to make the effective use of this student web portal then follow all the steps carefully.
And to get all the MyVCC portal updates do check out our official website. Thanks!